
We’re coming to the end of Faith Family month! With that, we want to spend some time looking at what it means to be a holy child of the light.

Children play an important role in all families, yet we often forget that in the family of God, we are all children, all the time! We certainly age and mature, and it’s great to have examples of people to look up to as we walk with God. We always need to remember, though, that we are still children of God, and with that, we have a unique role in the family of God.

I hope you come ready to engage in this discussion! We will have Q and A after the sermon, so please be ready with questions! Note that this week, the Q and A number will be a bit different than usual. Send questions to 952-697-1152.

I’m excited to share with you all come Sunday. See you then!

You can find the sermon notes in the app under “grow” and “notes.” Otherwise, you can find it here.

In Christ,

Kavan Rogness
Discipleship Director