Sunday: A Christ-like Political Life

Faith,  What does a Republican's political life look like? What does a Democrat's political life look like?  We all know each party has certain expectations for the people who make up its party. Over time, one learns the language of their party, both the accepted words and ways and the unaccepted words and ways. Interestingly, one even learns…

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Sunday: The Power of the King

Faith,  We are just over three weeks from election day! Would you happen to know who's on the ballot? Ha! Of course, we know! How? Check your mailbox, your neighbor's yard, your email inbox, and every other commercial on TV! Every election cycle is filled with a river of information designed not only to inform but transform. Each side…

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Sunday: Who is Your King?

Faith, We live in such a great country! I love traveling, but there is a special feeling coming home to our great state of Minnesota in the good, old United States of America. Even people outside our country love our country! For over two centuries, people from other countries have risked their lives to somehow get to…

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Sunday: Walking with Each Other

Faith,  There's something about September! The predictability is nice. The evenings start to cool. The leaves begin their turning. The days are shorter, and for some reason, Faith Covenant Church offerings dip. [Cue soundcue of screeching brakes.] I love September, except for that last part.  I don't know why September's giving often softens. I guess we…

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