Sunday: The Beauty of Beauty
Faith, Why is beauty beautiful? This is one of my favorite questions. Yes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," but isn't there an objectivity to beauty? If 2 + 2 = 4, and we know that to be objectively true, isn't it also objectively true to say the Northern Lights are beautiful? And if this is…
Sunday: Dignified in Him
Faith, Humor me for a second. Take God out of the picture. Why does your body have dignity? "Ummm...hmmm...well...uh...hmmm..." While, yes, people have misused the Bible in sinful ways to harm human dignity, one cannot escape the fact that the story of the scriptures has done more than all of human teaching to raise the…
Sunday: Christ in the Beginning
Faith, One of my deepest convictions is that we don't know what to do if we don't know who we are and where we are in God's story. Simply put, God's story is the story we find ourselves in. Separated from that story, we don't know who we are instead. Where does God's story begin?…
Sunday: MN Adult & Teen Challenge Choir
Faith, We have an incredible opportunity on Sunday! We are going to gather in the name of Jesus to celebrate God's healing power in the lives of men and women recovering from substance abuse and addiction. MN Adult & Teen Challenge is a Christ-centered, residential addiction recovery program for adults and teenagers struggling with substance…