Easter Sunday!

Faith,  How would you, your friends, and family fill in this blank: "To live is ___________."? We make decisions daily based on how we fill in that blank. Every day, we too often look for the living among the dead. In a world that fills in the blank with words like meaningless, pointless, and punishment, the risen Jesus fills…

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Sunday: His Tree is Life

Faith,  I've been thinking about trees! Without trees, my house right now would crumble. It's framed in wood. The desk my computer sits on is made from wood. The doors to the room where I now sit, the paper I wrote on earlier, the mandarin oranges and apple I had for lunch all exist because…

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Sunday: The Beauty of Beauty

Faith,  Why is beauty beautiful? This is one of my favorite questions. Yes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," but isn't there an objectivity to beauty? If 2 + 2 = 4, and we know that to be objectively true, isn't it also objectively true to say the Northern Lights are beautiful? And if this is…

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