Sunday: Prayer and Worship Service For Our Nation

Faith,  How are you feeling about next week's election? Fear, anxiety, and worry seem to be the most common emotions I see. I get it! Our candidates and media are exceptionally gifted at serving up recipes of dis-ease. Thankfully, we in the Church serve a different leader--Christ, our King, and we are not called to…

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Sunday: The Politics of Prayerful Words

Faith, The ball's at the 20-yard line. The bases are loaded. The final scene of the 3-act play has begun. Two weeks left until the election! So, what should we do? We have no shortage of options. We can devote ourselves to social media, trying to convince all our friends who disagree with us to agree…

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Sunday: A Christ-like Political Life

Faith,  What does a Republican's political life look like? What does a Democrat's political life look like?  We all know each party has certain expectations for the people who make up its party. Over time, one learns the language of their party, both the accepted words and ways and the unaccepted words and ways. Interestingly, one even learns…

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Sunday: The Power of the King

Faith,  We are just over three weeks from election day! Would you happen to know who's on the ballot? Ha! Of course, we know! How? Check your mailbox, your neighbor's yard, your email inbox, and every other commercial on TV! Every election cycle is filled with a river of information designed not only to inform but transform. Each side…

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