Sunday: Evidence of Promise

Faith,  Have you ever wondered how you became a part of your family? It's a fascinating question. Whether by birth or adoption, you had responsibilities once you were part of your family. But the actual admittance into your family was not really in your hands, was it? We could even say your birth wasn't fully your parents'…

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Sunday: Christ–King and Priest

Faith,  Imagine this scenario. God, the Father, shows up at your home one day with a gift-wrapped box. You invite God in. He invites you to open His gift. Would you A) open it or B) toss it? Let's say you open it, but once you do so, you're perplexed. You don't understand what it is!…

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Sunday: The More-Than-Enough God

Faith, What kind of God do you believe in?  Sometimes, I worship a Not-Enough-God. I look at my current reality and list all the deficits I see and all the future deficits I imagine. I then bring those worries as a sacrifice to a Not-Enough-God, fully confident that my Not-Enough-God does not have enough to…

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Sunday: The Blessing

Faith,  I have two important questions!  Question #1: Who's the father of your faith?  Get this! Of all the characters in the Bible, there is only one whom Jews, Christians, and Muslims all call the father of their faith—Abraham. Here's how it plays out: Out of Abraham’s relationship with his servant Hagar, Ishmael was born, and out of Ishmael’s line (it…

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