Q&A Session with Vicki Newendorp, Children’s Ministry
Question: Who are you and what is your current role?
Answer: My name is Vicki Newendorp, and I am the Director of Children’s Ministry at Faith. I oversee the ministries for Faith Covenant’s amazing kids, ranging from birth through 5th grade, and serve as part of our Family Ministry Team. You’ll also see me serving as a worship leader from time to time.
Question: What exciting things do you see God doing in and through your ministry?
Answer: We love kids. More importantly, we want them to know that God is crazy about them! Faith Kids is committed to partnering with families to disciple kids as they learn and grow in their relationships with Jesus and others. We believe every child is made in the image of God and that the Gospel is for every child. Following Jesus is a grand adventure, and we’re here for kids every step of the way. We’re getting ready to kickoff a new school year which brings with it wonderful Faith Kids Sunday programs for all ages, birth through 5th grade. Wednesday nights kick off on September 25. We’ll be looking forward to presenting 3rd Grade Bibles, our annual Kids Christmas program, a Stepping Stones class later this year, and our Family Life month in January. World Vision, baptisms and dedications, Operation Christmas Child, and lots of fun will also make for a great fall! We also serve a number of children with special needs, so we continue to look for ways to love and support these children and their families with a sensory room, visual schedules, fidgets and sensory tools, and buddies.
Question: What is the church’s role in coming alongside kids and parents?
Answer: We believe whole-heartedly that parents and families are more influential in their children’s spiritual journeys than we are. As the ministry Orange says, “We believe. . . Two combined influences make a greater impact than just two individual influences: The Church + Home = greater impact.” We seek to partner with parents and caregivers, equipping and loving them as they love and shepherd their children. We want to provide resources and opportunities for all generations, and love parents and caregivers in their rewarding (and at times difficult) journey. Because Jesus is the ultimate source of hope, and we take our cues from Him on what it means to love, lead, and disciple families.
Looking for a few resources?
Blog/Podcast/App: https://theparentcue.org
Apps: Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App/Lifeway Kids
Question: What is your hope for our next generation of Faith Kids/Youth?
Answer: I pray that our kids would know the deep and amazing love of Jesus—that they would know that they are treasured, who they are and whose they are. I pray that they would know God’s grand, redemptive narrative—and to find their special place in that great story. I pray that the Spirit of God would transform them from the inside out and give them hope. One thing I love about working with children is knowing that they will be the ones who step up and lead the future. Don’t we want to disciple children who have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to love? To raise up a generation of everyday peacemakers? A group of kids who will be courageously compassionate and change the world as they truly see people and enter into their stories? Yes, yes, yes! In Faith Kids, we learn who Jesus is, who we are, and how the Holy Spirit works through us to change the world around us. At the end of the day, our goal is to connect kids into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, knowing they are treasured image-bearers of the King. This is a part of discipling the next generation, making disciples who make disciples.