Making disciples at home and abroad.

go and make disciples

At Faith Covenant we take the commandment to “go and make disciples” seriously (Matthew 28:19-20). We live this commandment through local and global outreach initiatives. The renewing work of Jesus is happening through missionaries and mission ministries right here in Minnesota and around the world.

Local Outreach Opportunities

We are privileged to serve our community through our local ministries in Burnsville and the surrounding Twin Cities area. Here are some of the local ministries we partner with: Jail Ministry, DinoMights, Homework Help, M.O.M.S. Program, MN Valley Young Life, and Team World Vision. We dedicate our money, time, and/or space to organizations that provide resources, help, and justice to all people groups. Please click the button below to learn more about each local mission.

Local Outreach

Global Partnerships

We are pleased to support various missions and missionaries from our church body. Missionary financial support is determined by a prayerful team of lay-leaders called the GO Team. If you would like to contact or inquire about serving on the GO Team, are interested in mission opportunities, or have general questions, please email the global outreach team. Please click the button below to learn more about whom we support on the global mission field.

Global Outreach

Check out our other ministries for more information

Live out your faith with us!