
Welcome to your new one-stop, immersing ourselves in the Gospel of John, resource page! 

As you may already know 2021 will be marked at Faith Covenant as a year’s-plus journey through the Gospel of John. Throughout December we focused on the first 18 verses, and now as we come into January, our Family Life Month, we’ll continue the journey until we get all the way to the last verse of John: Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

I pray you will join me on this journey not only on Sundays, but daily, weekly! How? Here are some ideas:

  • Join Discovery Bible Experience® on Wednesday nights at 7PM in February for their journey through John.
  • Do a personal DBE® journey through John. Books will be available in February.
  • Start a small group journey through John using my Sunday morning messages along with the discussion guides I’ll provide on this webpage! (starting next week)
  • Join Community Bible Study on Monday nights starting January 4th from 7-8:30. CBS has been in John since September, but joining them for the rest of the book in January will surely be edifying. Click here for more info about CBS.

Need more ideas? Just let me know!

Oh, and here are the message notes for this Sunday! 

I know God will use His Word who is life and light to transform our 2021. I pray you will join me!

Pastor Brad