Faith Family,
As you may have noticed, we’ve been diving deep into John 15 this summer, and I’m excited to continue that this Sunday as we look closely at John 15:8. This verse talks about being fruitful people in the body of Christ.
What does it mean to bear fruit? Is this about having a church overflowing with people?
Not necessarily.
Is a fruitful church one with lots of influence on culture or politics?
Not necessarily.
Am I fruitful if I’m getting a promotion at my job?
Not necessarily.
So then, what is it to be fruitful? We’ll be looking at that question and more on Sunday as we continue talking about the vine and the branches.
I also want to remind you that our annual congregational meeting will be held shortly after the service! All are welcome to attend, and official members can vote on the next fiscal year’s budget and new council members.
I’m very much looking forward to sharing with you on Sunday. See you soon!
In Christ,
Kavan Rogness
Find the sermon notes here.