Skip the Small Talk–#tryalpha
Faith Family!
If you’re anything like me, you may not be the biggest fan of small talk. Small talk works well in passing, but it’s not something which makes for a sustainable relationship. This is one of the reasons why I love Alpha. For those of you who are curious about Alpha, we asked some of our Faith Family members for testimonials on why they think Alpha is such a great benefit to all people, no matter where they are on their faith journey:
“Time spent in our Faith Covenant Alpha course has brought many benefits. Of greatest significance, is the opportunity to comfortably ask questions and have conversation around who is this man Jesus and what does it mean to have a relationship with Him? This has brought me closer to Jesus and also closer to others in our Faith Covenant family. As curiosity grows, and discovery happens, it has opened the door to step into deeper dialogue with my husband about faith, too. We are both looking forward to continued involvement with Alpha, as volunteers. We miss it too much to stay away!”–Barb Dusek
“Alpha came along at a time I was searching for more. I was curious at the mention of a place to learn and ask questions about something I had always felt in my heart but wanted to know more about. Alpha was the opportunity to ask these questions. Not only has my faith deepened and grown, but I have made connections with others as we have gone through this journey together. I learn so much just listening to other people. I have been very blessed by this experience and seeing it bless others along the way, too.”–Jodi Deneen
I remember a time when the team was gathered just after we had wrapped up the last Wednesday evening session of that season of Alpha. One of the table hosts, a guy I have come to know, like, and respect, shared a thought which made me stop and think. He said that although he had been involved at Faith Covenant for many years, he had never seen community develop as quickly and as deeply as it had around the Alpha small groups of which he had been a part. One of the small groups from last winter still gets together from time to time; the folks involved simply don’t want to lose touch with one another. I love watching how God has used Alpha to connect with people and to connect them with one another.–Tom Mayfield
So, Faith Family, we would love it if you would skip the small talk and #tryalpha! Alpha meets Wednesday nights at Faith and provides a great dinner, even better conversation, and discussions that will make you think. Alpha is for all–skeptics, new believers, and people whose faith needs a jump-start. Alpha runs Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 8:00PM starting September 25. Bring a friend and register on REALM.
We can’t wait to see you there!
-Tone Waters, Director of GO & Communications