
What does a Republican’s political life look like?

What does a Democrat’s political life look like? 

We all know each party has certain expectations for the people who make up its party. Over time, one learns the language of their party, both the accepted words and ways and the unaccepted words and ways. Interestingly, one even learns certain dress codes for their party. For example, a Democrat would typically not wear an NRA hat, and a Republican would not typically wear a “Save the Planet” t-shirt. 

So, what does a Christian’s political life look like?

Please remember that the early Christians, by their very name, were saying that Jesus was their King, not Caesar. Their identity in Christ was, in its essence, a political statement. And the Apostle Paul had clear counsel for them as they navigated moral decisions in the Roman Empire. They were to set their minds and hearts on “things above.” They were to “put to death” certain behaviors and “rid” themselves of others. Fundamental to his counsel was Colossians 3:17:

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 

giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

I pray you will join us again this Sunday for week three of our sermon series, Kingdom Politics. Together, we will “put on love, which binds [us] all together in perfect unity.” 

In Christ alone, 

Pastor Brad

***Downloadable message notes are here

Here are some deeper dive videos to prepare you for Sunday’s message:

Meaning of Messiah–Bible Project (5:47)

What is Revolutionary about the Kingdom of God? (2:30)

What Christian Politics Should Look Like (8:06)