
Every home produces something. What is your home producing? Why does your family exist? I recognize many in our Faith family are single, but everyone somehow belongs to a family, and in those families, we are influencers. So, what are you influencing your family to produce? 

I know a lot of families are producing amazing athletes, dancers, and artists. Other families excel at creating astute young Democrats or Republicans. And still, others are churning out potential titans of industry and wealth. 

Those values are not sinful in themselves, but none will change the world as much as one life conformed to the likeness of Christ. That’s why at Faith Covenant Church, we don’t make athletes, intellectuals, millionaires, or politicians. No, we are a family of grace, making disciples of Jesus from generation to generation. 

For this reason, every January our church does something called Family Life Month. Family Life Month exists like a J-term to help us sharpen our focus as we head into the new year. It’s a time to stop some things and start others, all in the name of apprenticing our Faith family to Christ’s lordship.

I pray you will join us this Sunday. We will be about the heavenly Father’s business as we follow the boy Jesus to the temple (Luke 2:41-52). 

About the Father’s business, 

Pastor Brad

***Downloadable message notes are here.

Here are some deeper-dive videos to prepare you for Sunday!

Laying the Foundation | Rabbis and Disciples Pt 1

Laying the Foundation | Rabbis and Disciples Pt 2

The Temple – The Stages of God’s Dwelling