
We had such a powerful service last week! Wow! If you missed it, I’ve included it below. 

This week promises to be very different, but also very unique! On Sunday we are going to experience God’s word by putting it on its feet, and together discovering more intimately the mind of Christ, His love for His disciples, and the joy available to His followers. I don’t want to tip my hand too much. You’re just going to have to come and see! I think it’d be a great Sunday to invite a friend as well! They will encounter God’s word in a way they never have before.

One other item of note! Kon is back this week leading musical worship, but he will do so drawing deeply from a week of worship. Hard to explain here. I’ll make it more clear on Sunday.

Sorry for all the mystery! Trust me! We are going deeper in Christ and deeper with each other as we make more disciples of Jesus who make more disciples of Jesus.

Abiding in Him!
Pastor Brad

***No formal notes this week. If you’d like, though, you could watch with another either last week’s service (below) and/or this week’s and process together how you and your friends have seen God work in your lives. Share your testimonies!