Faith, I’m so excited about this Sunday!
I’m not going to tip my hand as to what we’re doing, but as you know some people “check out” a church while others “take a break” from church. Some people leave the church while others spend a lifetime in Church. Why would anyone devote not just Sundays but decades devoted to the ministry of the Church? You’ll meet 5 reasons this week!
And with this I can’t help but remember Eileen Fondell, now in hospice, as I write this. Faith Covenant Church was started in Paul and Eileen Fondell’s living room about 60 years ago! The Faith Covenant we know today has been built upon the shoulders of those who’ve devoted their lives to our church.
FC-FreshSpace-Final Comp – V1 from Tone Waters on Vimeo.
***No sermon notes this week. If you’re a small group user of notes, perhaps just watch the video from this Sunday’s service and discuss together why or why not you have or have not stayed committed to the Church.