
Humor me for a second. Take God out of the picture. Why does your body have dignity?


While, yes, people have misused the Bible in sinful ways to harm human dignity, one cannot escape the fact that the story of the scriptures has done more than all of human teaching to raise the value of human bodies. Your body matters not because it’s helpful, but because it is sacramental.

“Wait! What?!”

That’s right! You are an image-bearer of God, and your physical nature, not just your soul, points toward the One who made all things. What’s more! You are uniquely dignified! I love mountains and sunsets, but only people uniquely reflect the One who made them.

This teaching is absolutely, positively, some of the most important truth relevant to our culture today. God has entrusted us to share this good news! Jesus shed His flesh and blood to save not just souls, but flesh and blood.

I pray you will join us again this week as we look back to look forward, and as we seek to find Christ in the Beginning–Dignified in Him.

In Christ alone,
Pastor Brad

***Downloadable message notes are here

P. S.
And here are some deeper dive videos to prepare you for Sunday!
The Main Message of the Book of Genesis–Bible Project (6:11)
The Sacramental Significance of our Bodies (24:29)
You’re Supposed to Rule the World (Here’s How)–Bible Project (6:16)