
Who’s on your shortlist? If you had to pick 1-3 people who have had the most impact on your spiritual journey, who would make that list? What did they do to make the list? My guess is they had the following in common:

  • They had an intentional walk with Christ

  • They spent intentional time with His word.

  • They spent intentional time with you.

One life at a time is the way followers of Christ are made. God doesn’t mass-produce disciples. He doesn’t make Wonder Bread. He makes artisan bread–one loaf (life) at a time. 

For this reason, we will begin a new series this Sunday called Each One, Reach One. While I had thought we’d be returning to Genesis to finish that journey, the Lord laid on my heart one crucial step to disciple-making that every church seems to miss. I don’t want Faith Covenant Church to skip this crucial step as we journey toward the rest of 2025. Too many lives are at stake, and God transforms lives one at a time. We will finish Genesis after Easter. 

If you are passionate about making an eternal difference in people’s lives, I pray you will join us this Sunday for this most important series. Someone poured into you. It’s time to return the favor. 

In Christ alone, 

Pastor Brad

***Message notes can be downloaded here

Here are some deeper-dive videos relevant to the journey!

Word Study: Gospel (4:31)

How Should We Define Salvation (7:05)

What is the Definition of Faith? (2:54)