
This Sunday, we get to the final words of the Gospel of John! Wow! What a journey! Get this! We started our exploration of John’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus in December 2020! Yes, we stopped and started along the way because of topics necessary for the body at Faith, but I’m so proud of us for staying on the path to the One who is the Way.

Sunday, as we finish John’s narrative, we will ask along with Peter: “Lord, what about him?” Have you ever struggled comparing yourself and your faith to another? Good news! You’re not alone, and God has a unique calling for you that looks like no one else’s. While Jesus calls all of us to follow Him, what that looks like will be unique to Christ’s life in you.

I pray you will make your unique life in Him a priority as we follow Him together at Faith Covenant Church!

In Christ alone,
Pastor Brad


***Downloadable message notes and group discussion guide are here


And here are some videos relevant to our journey. The first is a podcast I did on my upcoming sabbatical for those curious about the journey Jill and I will take.