
What kind of God do you believe in? 

Sometimes, I worship a Not-Enough-God. I look at my current reality and list all the deficits I see and all the future deficits I imagine. I then bring those worries as a sacrifice to a Not-Enough-God, fully confident that my Not-Enough-God does not have enough to deal with my Not-Enough circumstances. Do you resonate?

I certainly wouldn’t blame anyone for not praying to a Not-Enough-God. I wouldn’t worship a Not-Enough-God, and I would never go to a church that serves a Not-Enough-God!

Thank God for the Bible! The Bible never tells the story of a Not-Enough-God. It rather tells the story of a More-Than-Enough-God! It tells the story of a God who is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Eph. 3:20)! This is why we are on an expedition with Jesus through the book of Genesis remembering once again (or for the first time) the faithful acts of our More-Than-Enough-God in the lives of real people. We will see Him again this Sunday as we find ourselves in God’s story of Abraham—the Father of Faith!

I pray you will join us and bring a friend! We worship an amazing God who is crazy in love with you!

In Christ alone,
Pastor Brad


***Message notes can be downloaded here

Here are some deeper dive videos relevant to this Sunday’s message:

We Studied “Blessing” and “Curse” in the Bible (Here’s What We Found) (6:03)

The Reason You Can Trust God (Even When It Seems Risky) (5:11)

What does the Bible say about faith? | (6:13)