
How would you finish this sentence? “Eternal life is…”

Our imaginations tend to run wild or run empty when it comes to eternal life. We wince at the idea of clouds and harps, and yet, what is the alternative? Would you like some eternal life clarity? Jesus provides it! This month we are exploring the most extended prayer of Christ in the scriptures–John 17. In His prayer for oneness, Jesus very specifically helps us finish the eternal life sentence. What He means and how we respond is our journey this Sunday. I pray you will join us and invite a questioning friend!

And before I let you go, Noah Newbauer has been our Communications Director at Faith for the past two years, and we have been so grateful Noah has shared his talents with us! Yet, God orchestrates His people perfectly, and God has called Noah to a new position elsewhere to use His gifts and glorify God. Noah will be with us until Sunday, February 19th, when we will give him a big hug and pray for his next chapter. I pray you will thank him when you see him next, and after he departs, I pray you will be patient with our staff as we seek to fill his talented shoes.

Praying with Christ for His Church,
Pastor Brad

P. S. 
Some of you have asked for a reliable pathway to give financial support to the earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey. Faith Covenant Church has long put its trust in the network of help World Vision provides all over the world. I personally have seen the vast network of WV’s work in places of tragedy. You can give to help through World Vision by clicking here

Also, downloadable message notes and group discussion guide for this week’s message are available here

And here are some deeper dive videos for your journey!