Whose song are you singing this Christmas season? So many choices, right?
The Democrats have a song.
The Republicans have a song.
The terrorists have a song.
The religions have a song.
The atheists have a song.
And…ugh…oh…you get the idea.
Everyone wants us to sing their song! Doing so requires faith! To fully belt out any good tune, we have to believe in and depend upon the principles of the song. That’s called faith. So, whose song will you most faithfully sing?
This Sunday, we’re going to learn the song of a young Jewish girl named Mary. Perhaps you’ve heard of her? She sings a Kingdom of God song because she carries the Prince of Peace in her womb. I pray you will come to learn her song! It’s an eternal song, and it brings light into darkness. [Note: Mary’s song is historically called The Magnificat for it is named after the first word of its first line in Latin: “Magnificat anima mea Dominum,” or “My soul magnifies the Lord.”]
And while I have your attention, I’d like to invite you to 2 special occasions:
Praying for Peace on Earth–a prayer time at 9 AM on Sunday, December 17th in the Legacy Chapel.
Our Christmas Eve services! There’s never a better time to invite someone to experience the light of Christ at Faith Covenant Church. Join us with your family and friends on Sunday, December 24th at 9 AM and 10:30 AM.
Happy Advent!
Pastor Brad
***No message notes this Sunday, but here are some deeper dive videos relevant to this Sunday’s message:
One of the most famous classical versions of Mary’s Song is Bach’s Magnificat, performed here by the Netherlands Bach Society.