Stop for a moment. What words are nearest to you right now? You’re probably reading this on your phone or computer. What tabs were open before you started reading these words? What words in the background are you hearing while you read these words? What words did you just send with a click? What words will you read or send after you click these words away?
Look at these words: “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart…” Romans 10:8
The Apostle Paul recognizes that all of us have words near us. The words around us shape our hearts and minds. And then out of the heart the mouth speaks. This is why just after the verse above, he writes these powerful words: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
This week at Faith, as we continue our series Each One, Reach One, we will raise the value of the Word God has placed near us. Words make worlds, and God’s Word will change our world one life at a time.
In Christ alone,
Pastor Brad
***Downloadable message notes are here.
And here are some deeper dive videos for Sunday:
Salvation Is a Gift | Romans 10:9–10 (2:11)