
There’s something about September! The predictability is nice. The evenings start to cool. The leaves begin their turning. The days are shorter, and for some reason, Faith Covenant Church offerings dip. [Cue soundcue of screeching brakes.]

I love September, except for that last part. 

I don’t know why September’s giving often softens. I guess we get so busy with fall expenses that we forget Faith Covenant also has fall expenses. No worries. Like all things in ministry, we are better together! If each of us intentionally takes a moment right now to remember our financial support of God’s mission to make disciples who make disciples, we will end this month where we should be! 

One of the biggest gifts you could give your church is to sign up for recurring, monthly giving. I’ve done this for years, and it helps take the monthly memory lapse off the table. I will also use the same link to give an over-and-above financial gift for this month. Just click here.

In the meantime, please take a moment to make sure you join us this Sunday! As we continue our Walking With series, we will hear the testimony of two people who have been walking with God, with each other, and with God’s word for some time. Their story is so simple, but it has deeply enriched their experience with God and each other in powerful ways. They’re going to help us see how we too can Walk With. We’ll do it together this Sunday as we fall more in love with Jesus and His word together.

In Christ alone, 

Pastor Brad 


And here are some deeper dive videos to prepare us for Sunday!

3 Critical Reasons Discipleship is Important (1:33)

John Stott on principles for whole-life discipleship (2:56)

What does it mean “to witness”? (4:27)