
Who’s the most fit person in the gym? It’s the person who spends the most time in the gym.

Who’s the best tennis player you know? It’s the person who spends the most time playing tennis.

Talent’s important! Don’t get me wrong, but the best guitarists, dancers, pianists, athletes, mechanics, etc., are all the people who spend the most time on their discipline or craft. 

How does this apply to relationships? Easy. We spend the most time with the people we know best. 

How does this apply to our relationship with God? Same! The people who come to know God best spend the most time getting to know God.

Would you like to know God more deeply this season? Will you take the intentional time to do so? Disciples of Jesus make time for Jesus and His word.

It’s for these reasons we have launched a new initiative at FaithWalking With! In our continued quest to make more disciples who walk with God, with each other, and with God’s word, we are launching Walking With groups all over church this fall. It’s my goal not only to help you walk with God but to equip you to walk with another with God’s word for the rest of your life. Disciples making disciples–it’s what we do!

I pray you’ll take some intentional time for you and your family to join us on Sunday. We will focus on the power of God’s word, so bring a Bible!

In Christ alone,

Pastor Brad

***Downloadable message notes are here

And here are some deeper dive videos relevant to Sunday’s worship:

What is the Bible? (5:48)

The Story of the Bible (5:37)

Writing Styles of the Bible & Why They’re Important to Understand (5:27)