
What’s the most powerful action you could perform right now? 

What’s the greatest gift you could give your family, your church, your country? 

What’s the most important action we could perform daily that would most deepen our love for God and each other? 

One word: Pray! 

Friends, prayer isn’t a button we push “in case of emergency!” No, it’s the unceasing action of the disciples of Jesus. Look at how the Apostle Paul speaks of prayer: 

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18

Wow! “Always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” This must mean God wants us to never stop praying for His Church. This is why this Sunday, at our Faith fall kickoff, we are going to start this new season by praying for the ministries of Faith in a big way. We are going to devote our hearts and season to God by getting on our knees (if able) on behalf of His Church. So please clear this Sunday morning’s schedule so we can gather with the Faith family to pray. 

Oh, and don’t worry about lunch plans! We will be having our fall kickoff picnic after church in the circle drive, along with a ministry fair! It’ll be a great time to reconnect with our brothers and sisters in Christ for the new season.

I’ll lead you Sunday as we perform the most powerful action God gives His people!

In Christ alone,

Pastor Brad

***Due to the nature of this service, there will be no message notes. Next week!

And here are some deeper dive videos relevant to Sunday’s service:

Walking With–Faith‘s Fall Initiative

Prayer: It’s a Superpower | Ephesians 6:18

Pray for your church – Charles Stanley and Andy Stanley