
What does oneness look like?

This Sunday, we end our series on Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17. We’ve called the series The ONE Prayer because Jesus prays for oneness, but what kind of oneness does He pray for? Is it the unity of the United States? Is it the unity of the United Nations? What would the answer to His prayer look like?

And has this oneness been accomplished? If we look at the Church worldwide or even down the street or within our doors, one might conclude the Father said no to the Son as He prayed for oneness. But that can’t be right! The prayers of the Son to the Father are perfect, for the Son is in the Father, and the Father is in the Son.
Could it be that oneness is far bigger than all of us simply getting along?
Could it be the oneness is something only God could provide for His people?
And could it be the oneness lasts forever?

I can’t wait to share the life-changing news of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-26 this Sunday.
Hope to see you and a friend at Faith Covenant Church!

We are one!
Pastor Brad

***Downloadable message notes and group discussion guide are here


And here are some deeper dive videos relevant to Sunday’s message!