
We live in such a great country! I love traveling, but there is a special feeling coming home to our great state of Minnesota in the good, old United States of America. Even people outside our country love our country! For over two centuries, people from other countries have risked their lives to somehow get to our homeland. If all this is true, why are we so divided? Why the toxicity in our politics, and how should Christians follow Christ during such a divisive season? After all, we don’t want to be a part of the problem. We want to be a part of the solution!

For this reason, we will spend the next four weeks examining the four chapters of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians in a series called Kingdom Politics. At that time, Paul’s readers were being pushed and pulled by outside forces, twisting and turning the good news of Jesus into something that hardly seemed like good news anymore. Paul writes to his brothers and sisters in Christ, pointing them back to the North Star of Jesus. He starts his redirect with one of the most magnificent Mount Everest proclamations in all the Bible. He brings us up to that mountain top because he knows that right worship leads to right decisions. 

And, friends, have no fear! The book of Colossians will unite us, not divide us. There will be no partisan politics of left and right. We will unite at the foot of the cross where our King suffered and died to create one new humanity that lasts forever. I can’t wait to share the good news of Christ our King with you this Sunday! And bring a friend who’s turned off to politics. This good news will lovingly nourish their soul!

In Christ the King, 

Pastor Brad

***Message notes can be downloaded here

And here are some deeper dive videos relevant to Sunday’s message:

A Quick Summary of the Book of Colossians–Bible Project (9:16)

What Christian Politics Should Look Like–7 Minute Seminary (8:06)

A Christian Response To Politics?–Our Daily Bread (3:06)