The Living Word
This morning God’s word pointed me to the Living Word. John 1:1-3 says“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” Jesus physically embodies God’s word. As followers of Jesus, we must physically embody God’s word, too.
The Matthew 25 Challenge made God’s word physically real for our family this week. Walking through this scripture in prayer and deed with our girls transformed our daily conversation and interaction. Yesterday evening as we sat on our floor and talked before bed, our girls learned about the refugee crisis. When we prayed, we asked God to tell us how we could help our friends displaced around the globe. Our children now know God uses people of all ages to help our brothers and sisters in need. These three tiny humans feel empowered to use the gifts God gave them to help others. We owe this to God’s revealed word taking physical form.
Besides our family, countless members of our congregation shared their daily experiences with me regarding the Matthew 25 Challenge. I would like to share with you an email testimonial from Lori Gluck about an experience she had this week:
“I’d like to briefly share with you how God blessed me yesterday morning shortly after I reflected on ‘I was a stranger and you invited me in.’ My doorbell rang and although my first inclination was that it I didn’t want to be bothered by an unwanted solicitor, I opened my front door to a stranger who needed help. She accidentally locked herself out of her house without a phone and went to several houses without a response. This opportunity blessed me to help her and I pray for my new friend that I’m able to build on my relationship and share with her about Jesus.”
Lori, thank you for sharing this story. Your interaction with your former neighbor is proof these small actions of solidarity will lead to greater action in our lives. I look forward to seeing each of you this Celebration Sunday as we conclude the Matthew 25 Challenge through World Vision.
Until Sunday,
Tone Waters
Director of GO & Communications